OneTen Capital

Empowered by a results-driven approach, OneTen will hold an active position within each of our invested companies.  Armed with technical specialists and a proven team of advisory board members, we have a defined vetting process to distill the transformational technologies and distinctive leaders of tomorrow.

Historically, venture capital firms have been created on the premise of diversifying a passive fund across many startup companies.  Investors have accepted that most of these would fail, but few would create a large enough return to make the endeavor worthwhile.

In rethinking the traditional venture model, we realized that early stage companies often require more than passive investment to reach successful commercialization.  OneTen will concentrate our investment on fewer companies that will undergo a proprietary and exhaustive due-diligence process.  Once we have concluded that a company has both the technology and team worthy of an investment, we will be anything but passive.  OneTen will take active positions within each of our invested companies, working hand-in-hand with the founders.  This difference is the foundation of Coalition Investing, and we are personally committed to driving results for our companies and our investors.

It is about the people…

We have a defined process of finding entrepreneurs who – beyond having a great idea – are passionate, determined, coachable and have the never quit attitude that would drive success in any arena.  To identify founders who embody these values, we have developed the OneTen Founders Assessment.


640 Ellicott Street, Suite 108
Buffalo, NY 14203

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